Monday, August 12, 2013

PROBLEM 0014: On Critics, Our Sacred Mouthpieces

In which the author tries to quell his cynicism with regards to critics. In which critics are simultaneously praised and criticized. In which Cosmopolis the movie becomes the cannon fired against a canon. And where the author makes a confession that feels goopy.
Saturday, August 10, 2013

PROBLEM 0013: Critics Live Your Life So You Don't Have To

In which the author considers the true nature of The Critic. In which he tries to do so without being too offensive, because he like critics, honest he does. And in which a realistic attitude results in this becoming about Life. Also, the author wonders why everything he writes about ends up going this way.
Thursday, August 8, 2013

PROBLEM 0012: The Banana Peel of Utility

In which the author gets serious for a moment about utility. In which he wishes desperately that utility would exclude something from art. And where the definition of utility slips on a banana peel and becomes a non-word, because every stinking thing has utility.
Monday, August 5, 2013

PROBLEM 0011: Jackson Pollock At The Garage Sale

In which the author finds a Jackson Pollock at a garage sale. Wherein are found the author’s impressions of the dusty, inexpensive Pollock. Where a narrative is accidentally dripped all over an abstract work. And where real, honest-to-goodness information doesn’t do us any good at all.
Friday, August 2, 2013

PROBLEM 0010: Looking at Art You Just Don't Get and Thank You, Jackson Pollock

In which the author approaches Jackson Pollock with humility instead of ire, which seemed to do something. In which Pollock's "No. 6, 1952" becomes a little more than drips and numbers. In which several other ways of looking at an abstract work of art are offered. And where furniture, for some ungodly reason, comes back a-haunting.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

PROBLEM 0009: Buying Furniture and Art

In which the author considers furniture as something beneath consideration. In which utility is a deep distraction from something unnameable. In which a tiny lacquer box is not furniture. And where art’s more diffuse qualities finally hold court with a surprised author.
Monday, July 29, 2013

PROBLEM 0008: In Praise of Generalization

In which the author gives the other side of Problem 0007. In which generalization is praised. Then denigrated again. And where facts are idealistically eschewed for the specific details of certain humanity.
Friday, July 26, 2013

PROBLEM 0007: Generalization Hamstrings the Art

In which the author pauses to consider the problem of Problems. In which that problem is labeled Generalization. And where the author admits to being a bit stymied even while talking like he’s not.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

PROBLEM 0006: On Receiving Advice about Art Appreciation

In which the author thinks about advice given with good intentions. In which advice about art tends to fall flat. In which one’s own, personal methodology is often the best advice. And where the author forgets to mention that once you figure something out, you should take it as its own advice, readymade, and all yours.
Monday, July 22, 2013

PROBLEM 0005: In Praise of Indifference

In which the author looks at Problem 0004 and decides it could use a little help. In which that help comes from movies he recently saw and felt uncertain about. And where indifference eats all of his potato chips and doesn’t say thank you. It is, however, invited back to the party.
Friday, July 19, 2013

PROBLEM 0004: Liking Something versus Critically Thinking About Something (Oh no!)

In which the author begs the question nobody wanted to hear. In which the bête noir of America is offered as an alternative to "liking something". In which the phrase "bête noir" is never mentioned again on this website. On how a new continuum presents fifty lovely shades of gray that whip your brain into shape. And how 10 bucks isn't a lot of money. 
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

PROBLEM 0003: The Individual and the Crowd

In which the author writes briefly about the love of groups and the obsession with individuality. In which separation is on equal par with the crowd. In which a related question brings up a lot of problems that probably can't be answered on this website. Also, Nabokov's Mary, because I really love that book.
Monday, July 15, 2013

PROBLEM 0002: Feeling About Art vs Thinking About Art

In which the author thinks about Feeling vs Thinking, then feels about Thinking vs Feeling. In which Feelings come under attack. In which turnabout is fair play and Thinking feels the pressure. Wherein the human tearfully makes a case for itself. And where feeling says to thinking, “Quit whining, the sun is coming out.” Also, gender.
Friday, July 12, 2013

PROBLEM 0001: What is good in art?

SYNOPSIS. In which the problem with "everything is art" is addressed head on. In which the author channels a dead children's book author in order to get to the heart of the problem. In which the qualities of better art are listed in easy-to-read fashion. And where the author is finally stumped by his own questions.
Sunday, June 30, 2013


This Blog will launch officially on July 12, 2013.

This project is very important to me, so (for the first time in ages) I am forcing myself to not launch too soon. Premature launch kills a lot of things. I hope you don't mind.

If what you have seen/read here up to this point has piqued your interest, I am grateful. Here's to our future together.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Distinction

SYNOPSIS. In which author fears bugs in laundry—In which Typographical Naughtiness brings Meaning to the Word—On side effects and masterpieces—On the stages of Uppercaseness.

Problem Zero

Question Everything

On Brain Clothes

SYNOPSIS. In which the author declares himself a fan of metaphor. Where such fandom is displayed without shame. In which the author says some pretty things about metaphor. In which he hints at a future post. In which he praises accident for the first time on this blog. In which the pathetic fallacy stops by for a cup of coffee then complains about the roast.
Sunday, May 26, 2013

As Seen on This Blog

On the Necessity of Hate

SYNOPSIS. In which passion starts to get boring. On the loveliness of hate. On the value of said hatred. Where the author name-drops Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, and Marina Abramović for Google’s sake. In which the typical cries for integrity, honesty, etc threaten to drown out the hatred in the previous 350 words.
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Credit Where Credit is Due

SYNOPSIS. In which the freelance life is extolled and dispensed with like an old bag. In which the nature of freedom is turned onto its head. In which the author frankly admits that a man younger than him inspired him. In which that man is revealed to be Chris Guillebeau. Where the meaning of “love thy neighborh” is expanded upon to include narcissism. In which the author mentions that he isn’t using How To Like Art as a means of selling his books, which is a lie, because you will soon be able to buy them from that link up there.

50 Museums in 50 States

SYNOPSIS. In which the author considers the nature of a quest that is too large from some, yet too small for others. In which a wife offers her skepticism. A home base is discussed, also prone to matters of scale. Where a foreshadowing of hatred is revealed.

To Learn How to Like Art

SYNOPSIS. In which the author loses his faith in art and decides this is a good thing, even though it doesn’t feel like a good thing. In which the author makes a snide remark about Caravaggio and charity workers and young adult fiction. In which doubt is called a jerk and F. R. Leavis rescues him from such name-calling. Where Hope is also called a jerk. Where the purpose of this website is explained in simple English by the jerk. Where a goal is set down and a quest developed. Where museums become the playthings of the mind. Also, an invitation is offered to you.